Archive for March 2016
Two More ISA Certified Arborists on the Team
Congratulations to Andrew Dolan and Tracy Logan who recently passed their ISA Certified Arborist exams issued by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)! Andrew is joining the team this year as a Lead Arborist and Tracy Logan is coming on full time as the Office Manager, Tree Health Care Specialist and Manager of the Releaf…
Read MoreTime to Apply Dormant Sprays
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What is Dormant Spraying? Spraying certain landscape plants and trees with Horticulture Oil and Lime Sulphur while they are still dormant will help to kill overwintering insects. The oil kills the insects (mostly scale and mites) by suffocating them and also kills the insect eggs by penetrating the shells and interfering with metabolic and…
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