LTE volunteer time to prune Lakefield trees

Logan Tree Experts volunteer to prune trees on Lakefield Trail. Photo is taken on Water St. looking north towards Toth Marine.
The Logan Tree Experts were busy pruning the Ash trees along Water Street in Lakefield last week. Owner/operator Matt Logan helped plant these trees when he was a student employee at the Village of Lakefield during high school more than 15 years ago.
The ash trees had never been pruned for structure and therefore were developing poor form and branch unions. To correct this the crew performed a structure pruning to create better form and promote healthy mature trees. They did this by reducing multiple branch attachment points, created more appropriate branch spacing, removed weakly attached limbs and reduced competing leaders as well as removed branches that were to low.
By reducing the amount of limbs attached at close proximity on the trunk the remaining limbs have a greater chance to grow healthy and strong. Spacing limbs or “creating scaffold limbs” gives a tree a more even and strong canopy. Removing weakly attached limbs lessens the opportunity for limbs to fail or brake in the future. By reducing the competing leaders in a tree, the tree will create a healthier, stronger and more storm tolerant form.
Click here to visit the pruning section of our website to learn more.
Get out there and enjoy the Lakefield Trail, we are so lucky to have this in our community – click here to visit their website.