Tree Cable and Bracing – A Case Study

Logan Tree Experts was recently contacted about a Red Maple with a large vertical seam between its two main stems which was gradually separating further.  The client hoped to keep the tree as it is a key landscape focal point and provides shades over their deck.

It was decided that a four  pronged plan would be used. First, the two stems were temporarily winched together with a comealong, then 2 threaded rod braces were drilled and secured perpendicular to the seam, to stop the seam from increasing. Second, with the comealong winch in place, a non invasive synthetic support cable was placed approximately two thirds above the defect (seam) to reduce canopy movement and stress on the union. Third, the tree was pruned to reduce the height and lessen the “lever” action during wind events. This pruning will also encourage internal branching closer to the main stems. It was decided to prune no more than 10% as this tree was under stress. Fourth and lastly, we have scheduled a spring fertilization to increase vigor since the Maple tree was under significant stress due to construction damage, soil compaction, grade change and root disturbance.

These tree support techniques, or any for that matter, cannot make a tree 100% safe, but it can mitigate the risks to a customer’s acceptable level.

All support systems must be inspected by a professional after a substantial weather event as well as a bi-annual inspection to ensure the system is functioning properly.

Contact Logan Tree Experts to find out more about cabling and bracing – 705-657-6916 or [email protected].

Cabling and Bracing a Maple treeDrilling holes into the maple in order to insert the 2 threaded rod braces