Peterborough Tree Preservation Bylaw – Your Feedback is Required!

City of Peterborough Tree Preservation Bylaw

Your Feedback is Required!

What are your thoughts and experiences regarding the Tree Preservation and Woodland Preservation Bylaws in Peterborough?

Do you feel like you understand how it works?

A report was recently submitted by the City Forester and will be discussed on March 4th at a general council meeting to consider suggested revisions. The bylaw will then be up for approval at a Council meeting on March 25th.

It is important for the City to know what the public thinks about the bylaw, and so we encourage you to provide your feedback by emailing [email protected] and copying us at [email protected] AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

The City of Peterborough implemented a Tree Preservation and Woodland Preservation Bylaw in October 2017.

Overall, we see this as a positive movement in preserving the City’s tree canopy, however, we do identify some issues with the permit process and bylaws such as requiring a permit to prune trees, which no other City in Ontario has in place! Read more on our blog here!

Logan Tree Experts and a few other local tree services presented these issues to the previous City Mayor and are having ongoing conversations with City staff in order to address them.

For more information about the bylaws visit:…/urban_fo…/tree_preservation.htm