Last Call for Fruit Tree Pruning!

What Trees do we Prune Now?
- Apple trees
- Cherry trees
- Pear trees
- Crabapple trees
- Serviceberry
Why Prune your Fruit Tree Now?
Late winter or early spring is the best time for fruit tree pruning. Pruning the trees while the leaves are off not only allows us to see the tree’s structure to decide which cuts are best, but it also helps reduce the spread of diseases and encourages growth and better fruit quality. We prune in the winter so that all of the energy stored in the root system while the tree is dormant will be distributed to the strongest branches in the spring when it begins another growth cycle. We can also rest assured that since spring is just around the corner, the tree will soon be able to seal over the pruning cuts.

How do we Prune your Fruit Tree?
- Cut out the dead, dying and diseased wood.
- Cut out crossing branches to prevent rubbing which could cause wounds and an entrance for diseases.
- Prune for structure- depending on species and use.
- We make sure to prune the branches at the root collar so they can seal over properly, keeping the tree healthy and vigorous!
There is still time to book your fruit tree pruning this year. Call us at 705-657-6916 or email [email protected] to discuss.
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